くろちく 八竹庵
京都市指定有形文化財および京都府医学史研究会跡に指定される、歴史的に貴重な町家建築です。大正15年、室町随一の豪商「四代目 井上利助」が贅の限りを尽くし完成したこの京町家は、当時最先端の技工と流行を取り入れつつも、和と洋が折り重なるような設計に、建築史における時代の断片が垣間見えます。当時の姿をありのままに残す、厳格ながらも豪勢な情景をお楽しみください。
This historically valuable machiya building is designated as a Tangible Cultural Property by the City of Kyoto and as the site of the Kyoto Prefectural Medical History Research Association. This machiya was completed in 1926 by Risuke Inoue IV, the most wealthy merchant in Muromachi, and was built with the utmost in luxury. While incorporating the most advanced technology and fashions of the time, the design is a combination of Japanese and Western styles, offering a glimpse of a different era in architectural history. Enjoy the austere yet opulent scene that preserves the original appearance of the period.